Friday, 13 July 2012

For Country!

Out of all the countries in the world, each and every one of us was born in one of them. It's a general fact that we don't choose where we want to be born, but what do you think about your native country? Do you take pride in your nationality, or do you long to have been born in another country? What do you like about your country, and what don't you? What do you think is the best country in the world? Are you A PATRIOT?
Think about it...


  1. you_dont_say_meme13 July 2012 at 17:16

    you don't say?

  2. Jelly and bannana? dont mind if i do!13 July 2012 at 17:17

    are you a RASIST?

  3. you_dont_say_meme13 July 2012 at 17:18

    @jelly and bannana? dont mind if i do!
    thats a bit deep, isn't it?

  4. jelly and bannana? dont mind if i do!13 July 2012 at 17:19

    yeah, a bit.

  5. I'm not rasist-I just wanted to know your opinion on the matter...
